Bottled water: Cause of cavity comeback?


“It’s not the water that’s causing the decay,” It’s the lack of fluoride.  A natural mineral, fluoride is an established way to prevent tooth decay. Fluoride is absorbed easily into tooth enamel, especially in children’s growing teeth, and once teeth are developed, fluoride makes the entire tooth structure more resistant to decay.


The usual suspects, snack foods, soft drinks, lack of parental supervision of food consumed  were acknowledged  as still playing roles in children’s tooth decay.

As more consumers sip bottled water, fewer of them ingest enough fluoride to prevent cavities. According to the American Dental Association, if bottled water is your main source of drinking water, you could be missing the decay-preventive benefits of fluoride.


Most tooth decay can be prevented when fluoridation is combined with dental sealants and other fluoride products, such as toothpaste.

So try to use fluoride friendly toothpaste and avoid bottled water as much as possible..

Dr. Thomas K Paulose
Dr. Thomas K. Paulose is the Director Clinical Administration at Dr. Nechupadam Dental, Kochi, India. He is a specialist in oral prosthetics, Aesthetic / Cosmetic dentistry and a certified Implantologist & Implant Prosthodentist.
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