Say Bye-Bye to Thumbs and Paci’s

Cosmetic Dentistry . Dental Restoration . Dentistry . Preventive Dentistry


Some of the kids refuses to go to bed without thumb in there mouth !

it’s so cute, especially when they are little, but as time goes on a child’s sucking habits can cause problems with tooth alignment and the proper growth of their mouth. Pacifiers should not be used after age two, and finger or thumb sucking should end by age four! So if your child is still holding onto any of those habits it’s time to put your foot down just not on their thumb, that would be mean!

Ideas for Stopping Thumb Sucking:

o Praise them whenever you catch them not sucking their thumb!
o Sometimes they suck their thumb when they feel insecure, so help them through any anxiety and help comfort them.
o When your child avoids sucking their thumb during a difficult time, go ahead and Reward them!
o Bandage the thumb or put a sock over the hand at night.
o If all else fails, discuss with our dentist Dr.Nechupadam in Marine drive about using a mouth appliance or a bitter-tasting liquid to coat the thumb or thumbnail.

Dr. Thomas K Paulose
Dr. Thomas K. Paulose is the Director Clinical Administration at Dr. Nechupadam Dental, Kochi, India. He is a specialist in oral prosthetics, Aesthetic / Cosmetic dentistry and a certified Implantologist & Implant Prosthodentist.
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