Baby Teeth

A child’s mouth contains 20 temporary teeth, called primary teeth, baby teeth, or deciduous teeth, consisting of the following teeth types:

    4 second molars

    4 first molars

    4 cuspids (also called canine or eye teeth)

    4 lateral incisors

    4 central incisors

For each set of four teeth, two teeth are located in the upper arch (one on each side of the mouth) and two are located in the lower arch (one on each side of the mouth).

Permanent Teeth

The adult mouth contains 32 permanent teeth, consisting of the following teeth types:

    4 third molars (also called wisdom teeth)

    4 second molars (also called 12-year molars)

    4 first molars (also called 6-year molars)

    4 second bicuspids (also called second premolars)

    4 first bicuspids (also called first premolars)

    4 cuspids (also called canine or eye teeth)

    4 lateral incisors

    4 central incisors

Dr. Thomas K Paulose
Dr. Thomas K. Paulose is the Director Clinical Administration at Dr. Nechupadam Dental, Kochi, India. He is a specialist in oral prosthetics, Aesthetic / Cosmetic dentistry and a certified Implantologist & Implant Prosthodentist.
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