“Let’s face it“ for most people, going to the dentist is never even close to being on a list of things to do.  Most people consider a dental appointment to be one of those necessary evils that’s unavoidable. Though sometimes an unpleasant experience, consider where we’d be without trusty dentists filling our cavities and flossing […]

“Time is shortening. But every day that I challenge this cancer and survive is a victory for me.” This is a sentence which quoted by a cancer victim. From his words its sure the pain & fear is more. So its better to get a test which can help you in the future With a five-year […]

 “Dry mouth becomes more prominent as women get older, in their 50s and 60s,” Dry mouth also  known as xerostomia, they results from a decrease in the flow of saliva in the mouth. It is extremely uncomfortable and increases the chance of tooth decay, since saliva helps wash away harmful bacteria. Those who take any […]

Exposure to acid, primarily from soda or citrus drinks, can wear down the surface of the teeth, making them rounded and discolored. Overbrushing can have a similar effect on enamel near the gum lines. Anyone who sips lemonade, soda (even diet soda), or sports drinks all day. This is also an occupational hazard of wine […]

“ Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” A smile can help you to become successful, as a beautiful smile is not just a vital part of your communication, rather is essential for your emotional well-being too. So, have you ever tried to analyze […]

Healthy Dental Terms which you used to hear while you are in dental office.. Lets start a simple quick review of those words which will help you on your next appointment. Teeth Be true to your teeth and they won’t be false to you     Bicuspids/premolars The teeth with two rounded points located between […]

“Some people can have gingivitis all their lives and never progress to periodontitis” can you imagine these situation… Its horrible know?? A bacterial infection caused by plaque that attacks the gums, bone, and ligaments commonly known as Gum Disease. The early stage is known as gingivitis, the advanced stage as periodontitis.         […]

First of all after a filling you should care more about your daily brushing routines : Be Gentle When You Brush and Floss : use a soft or extra-soft bristled toothbrush, and brush gently, but thoroughly. And now Here are Some better Chewing Tips to follow After A Filling After you get a filling in […]