Tooth decay  is damage that occurs when germs in your mouth make acids that eat away at a tooth. It can lead to a hole in the tooth, called a cavity. If not treated, tooth decay can cause pain, infection, and tooth loss. Do you know A tooth has three layers: The hard outer layer is called enamel. The middle layer is […]

Bad breath, or halitosis, is mainly caused by the build-up of bacteria in the mouth, which produces a foul smell. Bad breath can be embarrassing, but fortunately once you have identified the causes, you can begin treatment.   What Causes Bad Breath? Do you aware of it?? The accumulation of bad breath bacteria most often […]

Customizing your treatment can achieve truly comprehensive results. As part of your individually tailored treatment plan, you can combine many different cosmetic and restorative procedures: Dental implants – Implants are small titanium posts that are surgically embedded in the jawbone to replace a missing tooth’s roots, providing support for a dental crown, bridge, or denture. […]

It’s for the dear cancer patients. Please take time to read this. I’m sure that it can be a helpful note for you.. Oral mucositis: inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membranes; can increase the risk for pain, oral and systemic infection, and nutritional compromise. Infection: viral, bacterial, and fungal make damage to the mucosa from chemotherapy […]

Apart from choosing the right toothbrush and toothpaste, in the prevention of dental sensitivity it is important to pay attention to the brushing teeth technique. Scroll down and  find out how to brush teeth properly to prevent sensitive teeth. We often think that brushing teeth is such a mundane activity repeated every day that we know […]

Dry mouth, a bad mouth
Dr. Thomas K Paulose

We all suffer from a dry mouth from time to time, but for some people the condition is more long-lasting. Xerostomia is a condition where the mouth becomes very dry and can make people more susceptible to dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease or bad breath, or cause problems for denture wearers. There are lots […]

Did anyone knows about that?? One of the key reasons for the appearance teeth sensitivity is the weakening of the enamel which leads to the exposure of dentine which, if irritated, causes a sharp pain. To avoid teeth sensitivity, apart from the right hygiene of the mouth, we also have to follow a balanced diet. Some of our […]

Replacing a Filling  Before removing your old filling, It is often possible to repair an old filling instead of removing it and replacing it completely. However, if the entire filling has to be replaced, the dentist may re evaluate what filling material to use. Even after trying your best to prevent tooth decay, sometimes the […]

They can be painful but they can be treated relatively easily. A dental abscess is formed when the dental pulp in the middle of the tooth dies and the pulp chamber becomes infected. The build-up of pus can raise the tooth up within the socket, making it feel tender when you bite down. Tooth abscesses […]