Tooth squeeze
Dr. Thomas K Paulose

Tooth squeeze a common condition which we not notice…  Is that a new team for you all?? But exactly it was a condition some of then faces.. High and low altitudes can make some problems to eardrums. But did you know that atmospheric pressure can also affect your teeth? I can tell yes for sure… […]

Want healthy teeth and gums?? Its true food we are having also have an impact on our health. Food is the basic factor that makes our body and mind lively. Make sure your diet features key ingredients because nutritional building blocks are essential for your dental health also. So have nutritious food and do the […]

Dental care a needed care its a true fact…. Seeing a dentist regularly helps to keep your mouth in top shape and allows your dentist to watch for developments that may point to other health issues. A dental exam can also detect poor nutrition and hygiene, growth and development problems and improper jaw alignment. But […]

We Dr.Nechupadam Dental,Marine drive believes that the perfect smile can change the world. But most of the time because of busy life we forget to take care about the teeth and mostly used to skip the dental appointments. These all can cause a bad effect on dental health as well as overall health. Here we […]

People with eating disorders can suffer from oral health problems as well. This is because many of the behaviours associated with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa-such as binge eating, self-induced vomiting, and use of diuretics or laxatives-cause changes in the mouth. For example, repeated episodes of vomiting, which is common in people with bulimia, releases […]

The National Eating Disorders Association estimates that, nearly 10 million women and 1 million men are affected by anorexia or bulimia. Millions more suffer from binge-eating disorders. Eating disorders are illnesses characterized by preoccupations with food and weight and caused by physical, emotional and social issues. People who have anorexia severely limit the amount of […]

“It’s not the water that’s causing the decay,” It’s the lack of fluoride.  A natural mineral, fluoride is an established way to prevent tooth decay. Fluoride is absorbed easily into tooth enamel, especially in children’s growing teeth, and once teeth are developed, fluoride makes the entire tooth structure more resistant to decay. The usual suspects, […]

If you’re a woman, particularly age 50 or above, your dentist may be the first health professional to suspect you have osteoporosis and refer you to a physician before the disease advances. Osteoporosis weakens bones by reducing their density. Although the disease may strike any gender at any age, the vast majority of sufferers are […]

Now a days when it came to straightening teeth the choice was clear in their mind: “#Invisalign” !!!! Still some of them are not aware of #Invisalign.. So the next question will be “Why #Invisalign??” Here we go A journey with #Invisalign…… #Invisalign is an alternative modern approach to straightening teeth when compare with traditional braces […]